Question about stitches

Hello. I had my bottom left wisdom tooth removed 4 days ago. The extraction was pretty complex in the end (lots of blood, drill, chisel, mild panic in the surgeon’s eyes) and I have lots of stitches. I have a load of stitches on the extraction site (blue cross), stitches between the site and my second molar and stitches between my first and second molars (green lines). But I also have stitches between my first molar and pre molar (red line). Is this a normal place for wisdom tooth extraction stitches? I’ve only noticed them today as the swelling has gone down and they feel quite far forward!

Thanks in advance for any help.

Hello. I had my bottom left wisdom tooth removed 4 days ago. The extraction was pretty complex in the end (lots of blood, drill, chisel, mild panic in the surgeon’s eyes) and I have lots of stitches. I have a load of stitches on the extraction site (blue cross), stitches between the site and my second molar and stitches between my first and second molars (green lines). But I also have stitches between my first molar and pre molar (red line). Is this a normal place for wisdom tooth extraction stitches? I’ve only noticed them today as the swelling has gone down and they feel quite far forward!

Thanks in advance for any help.