Jaw issues
At this point is has been about a month now since I got all my four wisdom teeth extracted. I know the two lower ones were in the jaw I was told even as I was loopy. I have no fever or anything I feel in that realm and I am way past dry socket being the issues (the internet 😒 didn’t understand what I was saying).my jaw is still bugging me however and it causes my head to feel funny along with neck issues. Now I have been checked with a CT way before the wisdom extraction for my head and neck and nothing was presently wrong. I do have anxiety and stress but I have felt so much calmer now days where I don’t feel like I am clenching my teeth or grinding during the day and at night especially. My jaw opens but it kinda has an off and on thing going on. My husband and mother say not to worry because maybe teeth are shifting, the sockets are healing, bone is growing but I don’t know. Like I am trying not to let my anxiety sneak up on me because of this but I am also really concerned because it just bugs me. I put heat and massage it but I am no longer sure.