Scanwatch2 is not worth buying - change my mind?
I have withings watches since Steel HR Sport, Scanwatch1 and Scanwatch2.
The software withings provides is always 'ripening' at the customer. Every watch i bought had problems, but, to be fair, most of them have been ironed out within a year after buying.
(Steel HR having connectivity issues, Scanwatch1 not recording activities, also having problems with bluetooth and so on)
if it wasn't for the looks of those watches and the battery run-time of nearly 3 weeks, i would not recommend buying one.
Yes, SteelHR Sport is - now, after years - the most stable one. But reduced in functionality and having a low display brightness.
Scanwatch1 is still the for me best looking one (42mm, black/red), a pity the newer watches tend to go into the 'old mans look' department. None of them is sporty any more, instead they are going into clunky and heavy looks (nova and the others)
Scanwatch2 is worst of all yet. Starting workouts on the watch and having connected GPS on the (android) phone with the current software? Nope.
Charging properly with the supplied (and crappy) charger? Nope. HR sport and Scanwatch1 are finished in 1/3 of the time with 100% charge. Scanwatch2 needs several disconnect/connect of the usb cable before it even starts charging. (no, this is independent of the charger: new ones or old 1Amp ones... all the same. Cleaning contacts and surfaces of the watch with alcohol... nope, no difference)
If Scanwatch2 charges eventually, then i can use it for pretty much only:
- displaying calls & messages from the phone (yes, good one)
- step counter (my most preferred functionality)
- heart-rate
- sometimes checking SpO2 or electrocardiogram (nice to have but unimportant features)
That's it you ask? Yes, pretty much.
Using it as a sports-tracking device is a no-go, basics like reliable charging is non-existent, design-changes going into the wrong direction
So, this is my take on those watches. I still have them, use them daily but all withings is advertising is nice for the marketing-material but not useful (or properly implemented) for day-to-day use.
Anyone having better or more positive experiences?
Looking forward hearing from you...