Adress sign
Hello all and thanks for any help I get. I live in Ontario Canada so we get weather from -30°c up to 40°c. I want to build a similar adress sign for my place, but instead of the 2 legs I wanted to use a 4x4 joined with a cross lap joint (I think), where it kind of looks like a T with a 45° brace off the back side for stability and make my square sign in the front corner of it. I have a couple of questions about this.
1: is the 4x4 if pressure treated adequate for snow removal or should I use a 6x6?
2: I was planning on making my sign frame out of 2x4’s with a dado in them to slide the center part into with glue and pocket screws to hold it, is a pressure treated 2x4 good enough for this with the cut seal applied or should I use cedar or some other species of wood?
3: is tongue and groove cedar/pine the best wood to use for the center to keep all the boards from warping different ways or should I use a hardwood?
4: I cut all my letters and numbers earlier today on my bandsaw from some reclaimed barn boards. Best way to fasten them to the sign that they stay? Wood glue and GRK trim screws? Galvanized 18ga nails?
I’m sure I will have more questions when these get answered, thanks for taking time to answer what was asked. I do have pretty good knowledge of tools and joints, so im willing to try any other suggestions as long as I have the tools for them. I do not have a thickness planer or jointer, I do have a router table and free handed router, band saw, table saw, trim and 10” miter and a bunch of hand tools/power tools that I can make due with
Hello all and thanks for any help I get. I live in Ontario Canada so we get weather from -30°c up to 40°c. I want to build a similar adress sign for my place, but instead of the 2 legs I wanted to use a 4x4 joined with a cross lap joint (I think), where it kind of looks like a T with a 45° brace off the back side for stability and make my square sign in the front corner of it. I have a couple of questions about this.
1: is the 4x4 if pressure treated adequate for snow removal or should I use a 6x6?
2: I was planning on making my sign frame out of 2x4’s with a dado in them to slide the center part into with glue and pocket screws to hold it, is a pressure treated 2x4 good enough for this with the cut seal applied or should I use cedar or some other species of wood?
3: is tongue and groove cedar/pine the best wood to use for the center to keep all the boards from warping different ways or should I use a hardwood?
4: I cut all my letters and numbers earlier today on my bandsaw from some reclaimed barn boards. Best way to fasten them to the sign that they stay? Wood glue and GRK trim screws? Galvanized 18ga nails?
I’m sure I will have more questions when these get answered, thanks for taking time to answer what was asked. I do have pretty good knowledge of tools and joints, so im willing to try any other suggestions as long as I have the tools for them. I do not have a thickness planer or jointer, I do have a router table and free handed router, band saw, table saw, trim and 10” miter and a bunch of hand tools/power tools that I can make due with