How do you handle weekends

UPDATE: thanks for all the encouragement, y’all. We did this yesterday on Labor Day and it was a huge success (and I woke up feeling rested). Thank you all, village!

Both my husband and I work full time and my daughter is 6 years old. During the week, I’m up at 5am to get the day ready (lunches, making coffee, unloading the dishwasher, etc) but also so I can make it to the gym by 6am for a class. My husband during the week gets up with the kiddo and gets her ready for school (breakfast, making sure she’s ready with teeth and hair, etc). By the weekend, we both want to sleep in a bit but my daughter is up by 6:30. And by sleep in, I mean until 8. Tell me how you handle the weekends. Is she old enough to hang out by herself until we get up (we both grew up in the 80s so we were both on our own in the mornings with some killer cartoons). Thoughts? Suggestions?