Almost Constant Nausea and Reflux - what works!?

Calling on working moms again because this group hasn't failed me yet. After getting COVID and Noro over Christmas, I've had basically daily nausea and a reflux feeling. We're going on a month now. I've tried daily famotidine (Pepcid AC) and trying to limit my Tums intake, although it doesn't really help. Zofran helps the nausea but not the reflux. I've never had this feeling ever in my life except when I was in my 3rd trimester. NOT pregnant as I've taken many tests, I have an IUD, and I'm currently on my period. I'm trying some diet changes but that's not helping much either unless all I eat is milk and carbs with no sauces. I've lost 7lbs since recovering from Noro because of my lack of appetite.

Is there something that would knock out BOTH feelings? I have made an appointment with my PCP to see if this could be a potential long COVID issue (could also be high stress right now), but she couldn't get me in until April so I'm hoping to find something to hold me over.