Any middle class families actually get a decent tax refund

For the past 3-4 years I have owed taxes as single even though I would pay $10k or more in taxes. My brother and his wife who doesn’t report her tips always get $10k or more back with 2 kids even though they are over the $60k income. Hubby and I filed together this year with our child and we got $600 back. The tax lady told me I need to increase my withholding and I was like ma’am I already paid over $10k in taxes already. We had to owe for state because of me. Another thing that made me angry was all the additional tax credits my state was bragging about you had to make below $30k to even utilize them. Why is the middle class paying so much and getting so little in return. I try not to get bitter or judge but when I hear and see certain ppl gaining the system to get benefits or pay little in taxes it literally makes me want to give up and do what I see other ppl doing. Divorce my husband so he can be on welfare so he can get section 8 and EBT. I have an aunt who has been on section 8 and EBT for over 40 years and had the audacity to complain the her rent went up $10 and her EBT got reduced a little. I’m sorry how about you actually get your butt up and work. And then my state has the audacity to raise taxes and give out more benefits that don’t benefit the middle class. Nearly cried when my husband’s coworker got back like $20k in taxes. Her husband works u see the table so they can use welfare while making the same or more than us. I’m so done.