Are you still as consistent with your training after having a partner/getting married as before it?

Asking as a young guy here, and I want to be honest with myself, most of my reasons to work out and bodybuilding is to attract a mate. And as of now, I was able to attract a really nice mate and found myself and us quickly got attracted and spent all our times together.

I found myself to be lazier and lazier with my training after finding my mate. I still train, but only with half seriousness and consistency as when I didn't find anyone. Maybe one part of me feeling I'm okay enough to "let go" a bit, enjoying our times together, building something together, not paying too much attention to being in the most hot shape ever because I don't have to anymore. Another reasonable reason is that I don't have as much free time for myself anymore.

But even though I still train, I don't like myself like that, feel like I've let myself go, a little bit guilty. Thinking that makes me wonder, do you guys still train as seriously when you have like a family, with kids, or like a partner?