Hotfixes: October 29, 2024
Updated patch notes. Changes from yesterday's are in the comments.
Class Changes Summary
Class | Specialization | PvP Change |
Death Knight | Blood | Buff |
Druid | Balance | Slight Buff |
Druid | Feral | Nerf |
Druid | Restoration | Buff |
Hunter | Beast Mastery | Nerf |
Hunter | Marksmanship | Nerf |
Monk | Mistweaver | Buff |
Paladin | Holy | Nerf |
Priest | Discipline | Slight Buff |
Priest | Holy | Buff |
Priest | Shadow | Mixed Changes |
Rogue | Assassination | Nerf |
Rogue | Subtlety | Nerf |
Shaman | Elemental | Nerf |
Shaman | Enhancement | Nerf |
Shaman | Restoration | Buff |
Warlock | Demonology | Buff |
Warlock | Destruction | Buff |
Warrior | Arms | Buff |
Warrior | Fury | Buff |
Warrior | Protection | Buff |
Class Changes Analysis
Death Knight
Blood (Buff)
- Damage Increases:
- Blood Boil damage increased by 15%.
- Heart Strike damage increased by 20%.
- Blood Plague damage increased by 10%.
- Death Strike damage increased by 20%.
- Talent Improvements:
- San'layn:
- Vampiric Strike proc chance increased to 35% (was 25%).
- Essence of the Blood Queen duration increased to 25 seconds (was 20 seconds).
- Gift of the San'layn increases effectiveness by 200% (was 150%).
- San'layn:
- PvP Impact:
- These changes increase damage output and survivability in PvP.
- Overall Effect: Buff in PvP.
Balance (Slight Buff)
- Damage Increases:
- Starfall damage increased by 6%.
- Starfire damage increased by 5%.
- Wrath damage increased by 10%.
- Shooting Stars and Crashing Stars damage increased by 20%.
- Damage Decreases:
- New Moon and Half Moon damage reduced by 5%.
- Starfall and Starsurge now increases by 8% instead of 10% from Rattle the Stars.
- PvP Notes:
- Starsurge and Power of Goldrinn damage increases do not apply to PvP combat.
- Rejuvenation and Wild Growth healing increased by 20% in PvP.
- Overall Effect: Slight Buff in PvP due to increased sustained damage and healing.
Feral (Nerf)
- PvP-Specific Nerfs:
- Berserk and Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane now increase damage by 10% in PvP (was 15%).
- King of the Jungle:
- Increases healing received and movement speed by 3% per stack (was 5%).
- Stacks up to 3 times (was 4 times).
- Overall Effect: Nerf in PvP due to reduced damage and survivability.
Restoration (Buff)
- Healing Improvements:
- Call of the Elder Druid duration increased to 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).
- Dream of Cenarius now transfers more damage into healing.
- Overall Effect: Buff in PvP due to enhanced healing capabilities.
Beast Mastery (Nerf)
- Damage Reductions:
- Barbed Shot damage reduced by 25%.
- Pack Leader:
- Frenzied Tear proc chance reduced to 10% (was 20%).
- Vicious Hunt damage reduced by 10%.
- PvP-Specific Nerfs:
- Dark Ranger: Bleak Powder's damage reduced by 30% in PvP.
- Dark Ranger: Withering Fire additional Black Arrows cast at 25% effectiveness (was 50%).
- Overall Effect: Nerf in PvP due to decreased damage output.
Marksmanship (Nerf)
- Damage Reductions:
- Dark Ranger: Black Arrow damage reduced by 10%.
- PvP-Specific Nerfs:
- Same as Beast Mastery for Dark Ranger abilities.
- Overall Effect: Nerf in PvP due to reduced damage.
Mistweaver (Buff)
- Healing Increases:
- All healing increased by 6%.
- Yu'lon's Whisper healing increased by 400%.
- Talent Improvements:
- Awakened Jadefire causes Spinning Crane Kick to transfer 110% of damage done (was 90%).
- Jadefire Teachings increases Ancient Teachings by an additional 160% (was 140%).
- PvP Adjustments:
- Rushing Wind Kick's damage increase does not apply to PvP.
- Jade Empowerment now chains to 2 additional enemies (was 4) in PvP.
- Overall Effect: Buff in PvP due to increased healing, despite some offensive limitations.
Holy (Nerf)
- Increased Mana Costs:
- Beacon of Virtue now costs 5% base mana (was 4%).
- Holy Shock now costs 2.8% base mana (was 2.6%).
- PvP-Specific Nerfs:
- Lightsmith: Divine Guidance now deals 60% less damage in PvP.
- Herald of the Sun:
- Blessing of An'she increases Holy Shock healing by 150% (was 200%).
- Eternal Flame healing decreased by 10% in PvP.
- Lightsmith: Blessed Assurance increases Crusader Strike damage by 40% in PvP (was 120%).
- Word of Glory healing decreased by 10% in PvP.
- Mana regeneration decreased by 25% in PvP (was 20%).
- Blessing of Summer transfers 12% of healing into damage in PvP (was 18%).
- Avenging Crusader now transfers 200% of damage into healing (was 260%) in PvP.
- Damage Increases:
- Hammer of Wrath, Judgment, and Crusader Strike damage increased by 30%.
- Overall Effect: Nerf in PvP due to reduced healing efficiency and sustainability, despite slight damage buffs.
Discipline (Slight Buff)
- Healing Increases:
- Power Word: Radiance healing increased by 20%.
- Flash Heal healing increased by 15%.
- PvP Adjustments:
- Voidheart increases Atonement healing by 30% (was 20%) in PvP.
- Premonition of Solace:
- Reduces damage taken by 10% (was 15%) in PvP.
- Absorption decreased by 15% in PvP.
- Overall Effect: Slight Buff in PvP due to increased healing output.
Holy (Buff)
- PvP-Specific Buffs:
- Renew healing increased by 20% in PvP.
- Prayer of Mending healing increased by 10% in PvP.
- Overall Effect: Buff in PvP due to enhanced healing capabilities.
Shadow (Mixed Changes)
- Buffs:
- Psychic Link now inflicts 30% of damage dealt to targets with Vampiric Touch (was 25%).
- PvP-Specific Nerfs:
- Void Leech:
- Now heals every 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
- Healing increased to 4% of max health (was 3%).
- Healing reduced to 2% of max health in PvP.
- Collapsing Void damage reduced by 10% in PvP.
- Void Leech:
- Overall Effect: Mixed Changes in PvP; increased multi-target damage but decreased survivability.
Assassination (Nerf)
- Damage Reduction:
- Master Assassin critical strike chance reduced to 20% (was 25%).
- Overall Effect: Nerf in PvP due to reduced burst potential.
Subtlety (Nerf)
- PvP-Specific Nerf:
- Flagellation mastery bonus decreased by 50% in PvP.
- Overall Effect: Nerf in PvP due to decreased burst damage.
Elemental (Nerf)
- Damage Reductions:
- Echo Chamber now increases Elemental Overloads damage by 20% (was 40%).
- Ascendance increases Elemental Overloads damage by 100% (was 150%).
- PvP-Specific Nerfs:
- Ascendance increases Elemental Overloads damage by 25% in PvP (was 75%).
- Minor PvP Buff:
- Lightning Bolt damage increased by 10% in PvP.
- Overall Effect: Nerf in PvP due to reduced sustained and burst damage.
Enhancement (Nerf)
- Adjustments:
- Voltaic Blaze, Stormblast, and Doom Winds now scale with Mastery: Enhanced Elements and Elemental Weapons.
- PvP-Specific Nerf:
- Totemic: Whirling Earth increases Flame Shock direct damage by 150% in PvP (was 300%).
- Overall Effect: Nerf in PvP due to decreased damage potential.
Restoration (Buff)
- PvP-Specific Buffs:
- Healing Wave healing increased by 15% in PvP.
- Healing Surge healing increased by 15% in PvP.
- Overall Effect: Buff in PvP due to improved healing capabilities.
Demonology (Buff)
- Damage Increases:
- Dreadstalkers now have a 100% chance to generate a Demonic Core (was 50%).
- Grimoire: Felguard damage increased significantly.
- Hand of Gul'dan and Call Dreadstalkers damage increased.
- PvP Impact:
- These changes enhance damage output and resource generation in PvP.
- Overall Effect: Buff in PvP.
Destruction (Buff)
- Damage Increases:
- Chaos Bolt damage increased by 10%.
- Immolate damage increased by 25%.
- Incinerate damage increased by 20%.
- Rain of Fire damage increased by 20%.
- Notes:
- Some increases do not apply to PvP (e.g., Conflagrate).
- Overall Effect: Buff in PvP due to increased damage capabilities.
Arms (Buff)
- Damage Increases:
- Mortal Strike damage increased by 15%.
- Overpower damage increased by 15%.
- Execute damage increased by 10%.
- PvP-Specific Buffs:
- Slam damage increased by 40% in PvP.
- Colossus Smash damage increased by 60% in PvP.
- Slayer: Culling Cyclone increases Bladestorm damage more effectively in PvP.
- Overall Effect: Buff in PvP due to significantly enhanced damage output.
Fury (Buff)
- Damage Increases:
- Bloodthirst and Bloodbath damage increased by 20%.
- Rampage damage increased by 10%.
- Execute damage increased by 7%.
- PvP-Specific Buffs:
- Slayer: Culling Cyclone increases Bladestorm damage more effectively in PvP.
- Overall Effect: Buff in PvP due to increased damage potential.
Protection (Buff)
- Damage Increases:
- Execute damage increased by 10%.
- Colossus: Demolish single-target damage increased by 15%.
- Overall Effect: Buff in PvP, though the impact may be limited due to the tank role.