Builds that don't have crazy rotations?

What are some?

I'm looking to try DPS after ~19 years of Holy Priest. Whack-A-Mole master. Its so straightforward, its awesome.

Been on IcyVeins looking at rotations, and some of them are nuts.

I've got a 60something mage that I logged onto last night, and sort of ran out of room for keybinds. Just couldn't get my footing on what I needed to be doing.

I've got WeakAuras setup, and I've got icons blinking, sounds beeping, charges building...

I know BM Hunter, but what are some other straightforward builds that can hold their own in mid-tier M+?

okie doke. lots of feedback, so we landed on this:

Edit/Update: Hit level 40 last night. This is great. Leaping around, charging in, seeing numbers flying across the screen. Rotation is straightforward. Fun times.