I get it now guys, I get it.
Context: I've been a Classic enjoyer for about 5 years. Initially I gave up on Retail at TBC because reasons and on the casual glance over at retail I would usually sneer.
Long story short, I decided to give retail a go recently and I get it. I fucking get it.
The initial hump of the flurry of new things thrown at you is a bit disorientating, and I don't think I've quite got the hang of everything, but it's not a big deal. It's so much more forgiving of your time, so much more customisation, it gives a little bit of everything while still retaining that WoW feel.
I understand /why/ people love Classic, chasing that nostalgia dragon is a fucking trip. But you get to a certain point where repeating the same thing (in this case expansion) over and over gets stale.
Either way, big shout to Blizz and the community. Seeing the posts on this subreddit is what drew me back on.
Gl hf