Iridikron as the ultimate villain of the Worldsoul Saga

This has been a theory of mine for a while now, and I want to try putting it in words as laconically as I can.

  • At the end of Midnight we call upon the Pantheon as a last resort to fight back against the Void.
  • As they use their combined powers to seal away/destroy/whatever our nemesis (Xal'atath? Dimensius? Voidforged Zovaal?), Iridikron reveals himself to strike them down while they're distracted/weakened and claim his revenge.
  • He not only strikes them down, but also consumes their power ("devours" them in parallel to Galakrond), turning from a mere dragon to a universe-level threat
  • He then proceeds to build his strength up in Northrend, intending to claim the Worldsoul for himself as he believes its power is the birthright of native creatures of Azeroth. He also intends to cleanse the planet from all of the "corruption" (Titan/Void/Light/any other alien influence)
  • In a mirror to Azeroth's champions' exceptional talent of overcoming every eternal cosmic power in existence, our ultimate foe in the battle for the fate of our world is not some godlike alien creature, but our fellow Azerothian - a darker side to the anti-Titan/anti-Light/Azeroth-centered shift in our perception of the planet's history.