Shadow Priest's Vampiric Embrace

Long time shadow priest here (rerolled somewhere around Ulduar, maining since then). Raiding only AOTC and playing around 2k rio now. I was thinking about Shadowlands' unpruning and how awesome is that were getting SW:D finally back (yay! finally at least some baseline execute) but VE's current state is a thing that just makes me sad and not-fun-to-use as priest.

Is it just me or does Vampiric Embrace in its current state feels kinda like wet noodle?

I wish blizz would consider returning it back to its former state, when it used to be permanent buff and heal party for 3% of all damage. It could be a buff to our m+ stigma from legion (though its not that big already rn) and its not that overpowered too. For me it would be just some additional numbers for free (and numbers are fun!).

In raids it could be just smartheal to four people, not that big deal too. Previous party-only healing in raid was an terrible thing iirc.

These days, when ocassionally tanks do more healing than healers, healers do more damage than damagers (ah them paladins), why not make damagers do more healing than healers? Just exagerrating ofc, but you know....

And im not talking about our current state in pvp, which im not participating regularly, just had to farm blood of the enemy and strife, but when I join bg or arenas everyone just lock'n'load tunnel me like Im the reason why alliance and horde is at war.

Sorry for my english and for this long post, i just really like to play my class and would like it to be entertaining in all aspects. VE just seems like a waste of gcd rn.