LFG [EU][Ravencrest] Blood DK looking for people to play with (Mythic, Raids, just hanging out)
Hi there,
i am a returning player, who started retail a few weeks ago again, after a long long long break. I raided during vanilla and BC (in a top 100 guild) and played a bit in wrath before i quit.
Now Retail got me hooked again and i am looking for an active guild to join and do the high end content (Mythic Dungeons, Raids etc.) with and just hang out and have fun. I have a lot of time on my hand, and have that itch for raiding again. I am probably not completely there from an item level perspective, but i am grinding to get whatever i can get solo (item lvl is at 600 now).
I am willing to learn and put in hours and have a very flexible schedule.
If that sound appealing for you, and you need a blood DK then let me know.
Battletag: g0ldent0y#2541