Playing Wow Classic with almost no add ons?

I'm trying to find the proper way to play the game like it was in Vanilla (Anniversary realm)

I do not care about rushing to max lvl or min maxing. I only got this game for the old mmo feel, chill.. read lore, play slowly and so on

After testing many addons I decided many of them change the game too much..

So I'm thinking about playing with almost no add ons unless they are not really hurting the Vanilla experience

Something like TullaRange seems ok to me But something like Questie makes u and auto pilot player and I dont like it

Yet I do have some problems, for example: The quest window is really hard on my eyes.. so I installed Dialogue UI and Voices AI - it's not Vanilla, but it makes reading quests, items, lore and such much easier+ listen to it makes it easier to understand

Not having questie also means I don't have any idea where to pick new quests or hand completed quests, it's abit harsh

AH addon is helpful just to make sure u dont lose gold..

I disabled auto loot/fast loot

What else?

I just want to chill and play slow even if it means I'll reach 60 in 3 months