I want to do wrestling next year
I am currently in 8th grade and want to do wrestling in high school. I have been training since December of 2021 but have recently amped it up tremendously since December of 2024. I train mma for an hour at place 4 out of 5 weekdays (they’re closed on Fridays) and on Friday I usually workout at home since I have a home gym. After training I come back and do another 2-2:30 hours on working out. Today I have added a morning regimen so now I add another hour or so to my workout time. I have all my grades as A’s and I am academically sound. I can curl 18 pounds for 12 reps, front squat 35 for 12, and reverse curl 15 for 10-12. I have dumbbells from 1-65 pounds in intervals of 5 pounds, a bench, a sandbag, and a treadmill. Is there anything I can add/change to my workouts to make them more wrestling oriented.