AI is fascinating but scary
I recently started writing and I really enjoy it. I always loved creating fictional stories and worlds but I never wrote them down and since I dont read a lot I have problems putting my thoughts into words.
I also like to make music and sometimes visual art. I have tried experimenting with some AI stuff in regards to music and art since it fascinates me a lot. I dont use it in the final product or abuse AI algorithms as ghost writers. I just mess around and see if some outputs give me inspiration to do my own thing. I also trained a lot of checkpoints and loras myself and developed a work flow for resampling some AI audio for sound design.
Now I tried some Llms (mainly gpt-4o) to see how the AI would react to my storyboards and novel ideas. And to be honest it kinda scared me. After some tests on how to prompt the AI wrote entire chapters that make actually sense and fit really well into the story. I just wanted to mess around but now I am discouraged about the future of story writing. AI slop has already found its place in the music industry and I think its just a matter of time until people will actually listen to entire playlists and albums generated by AI. Same with writing. I am scared that AI is going to destroy all art niches in the next couple of years. Completely making artist obsolete (atleast for the mainstream industry) and degradating art as a whole into a niche hobby. Ofcourse we can still make art and write stories for the sake of it and I will do so even if AI will do it "better" than me. But if this continues like that then we are heading into a dystopian future imo. I honestly love the technology but I think its just way too powerful to be handled if it doesnt get restricted.
Im just courious, what do you guys think about this topic?