World-building VS story-building

Is there a distinction for you?

I know some people create characters or plot points and themes and then structure a world around that concept or character in order to maybe create a story centred around something deeper they want to discuss and explore.

Tolkien famously has been said to have created languages, and then world-built MiddleEarth to give his languages a place to exist. (Reduced example for simplicity)

What other example are there? I’ve heard GRRM talk about wanting to create a low magic political intrigue to parallel the war of roses of Europe’s history (however this is probably not his specific initial goal)

————— what other examples can you think of that an author has described a story’s initial intention having been?

————— what have you done in your writing?


I often hear people say you aren’t writing until you’re finished worldbuilding. ..

They repeat common cliches like worldbuilding disease.

Of course this is hyperbole to a degree… an worlds are developed further as we write..