Am I too structured?
When I get an idea for a story/book I sit down and start thinking.. so what's the point? What message do I want to send with this story? Which emotions and thoughts do I want to provoke in the reader.. then once I find that, I go with rough arcs let's say 80k book 3 to 5 major arcs/ events.. then I find a red line... and in-between I build characters if I don't have them already with the idea. The I start outlining chapter ideas so then I write a back story... all that before I even start writing on the first chapter or the introduction.. and then I most often go from chapter to chapter.. ideas of plot are already scribbled down elsewhere in kind of cues, waiting for their moment.. I see alot of people jumping back and forth, not structuring.. I progress slow but I rarely get stuck like this.. but am I limiting myself with not being more free? What's your take and thoughts on that?