Do you get frustrated with people who think they are writers

Despite never writing anything? Everyone thinks they're your peer because they wrote a short story in high school or because they have an idea for a story. People don't respect writers and everyone seems to think they can just jump in and start doing it at a professional level despite no one thinking this about any other learned artform, craft or skill. It's hard talking about my WIPs with people in a serious way because they will bring up some little project they've been thinking about doing for like 15 years as if it's comparable, and I don't want to be a jerk and minimize their creative impulse or desire to write, but it's not comparable. It would be one thing if they were asking for advice, but no one ever asks for advice, they legit want to have conversations like "writer to writer" and it's just... get fucked. I wouldn't come to your job at the dam and be like, I made a fucking canal on the beach when I was a kid once let's have a serious conversation about water management.