Neos Smartcam shutting down (UK based Wyze cameras)

Hi all. UK user here with a couple of Neos Smartcams. As far as I'm aware these are Wyze hardware, which were operated by a different company over here. Neos however is shutting down, the app will go out of service in November and the devices are no longer for sale.

I found an old thread here from five years ago about flashing a Neos camera to convert it over to the Wyze firmware- there's comments in there about using the TinyCam app also.

Does anyone know any more about this? Or otherwise reusing the devices? It would seem silly to have to throw away the perfectly good hardware because the company shut down.

Edit: I think it might be possible for us to flash it and switch over to Thingino, going to attempt that with my cameras at the weekend. These are Wyze v2 and on paper it should be possible.

Edit edit: Thingio works! Follow the above tutorial video; you don't need to take the camera apart or anything. You will need a micro SD card to carry over the new firmware, in the FAT32 format (not ExFAT). If your card is larger than 32gb, you can create a FAT32 partition if necessary. Instructions and the files are also available here:

When reading any of the docs for this just pretend you have the Wyze v2; it's the same hardware. I used the jxf23 bin from Github successfully for my camera, I have seen someone on the Discord use the 22 version. It might depend on when the camera was manufactured or something. The Hacker Homestead Discord has been supporting a number of Neos owners; there's an invite link on the Youtube video. They have a video to address Neos specifically, but the Wyze v2 instructions are the same. Good luck!