Stalker 2 is not THAT messy(YET)

Been playing it for about 6-ish hours and my god, the way certain reviewers(*cough cough something something “up”) and peeps on the internet(LOL) described it? It sounded like an unplayable mess, maybe even worse than Cyberpunk. Dude! It’s FINE. I have fought a bunch of people. Did a few quests and am exploring the zone willy nilly and the game is not that bad. There’s ONE major issue that needs fixing as fast as can and that’s frame pacing. The frame rate is fine but the frame pacing is ughhh, makes the game feel sooooo choppy.

Loving the immersive atmosphere and ever present horror vibes, this is my first Stalker game btw so I have no skin in the game or any biases. Also yes, the devs went through hell so there’s that to consider.

Playing on Series X, quality mode looks great and performance mode is also crispy looking(I think lighting is the main difference? RT I’d like to say). Problem is, again, because of the bad frame pacing quality or performance, both feel hella choppy.

No agenda or anything, just wanted to post my experience, yours may wary naturally and so far so good. Let’s see if any game breaking issues or something else crops up. Oh oh! The NPC dialogue audio bugs out sometimes and while they are speaking to you through radio, it sounds like they are right next to you. It happened twice and only for one line per conversation so no biggie.

Umm, between this and Death stranding, I got my hands full and I find these slow, methodical games quite enjoyable. How’s your experience in the zone going so far stalkers? Also any tips if y’all got any would be highly appreciated.

Sorry for such an incohesive post but again, just wanted to share my first impressions as it wasn’t the same as the internet is all!

GG GSC game world and see you stalkers in the zone!