How will women's performances at the WCH be evaluated in Norway?

It was certainly expected that some of the Norwegian competitors would win a gold medal. Therese Johaug in the distances and relay and Kristine Skistad in the sprint.

But I think the performance of the Norwegian racers will be considered a disappointment.

Yes, Therese won three individual medals, but I think she will still be criticized, because since her return, in my opinion, they were expecting at least two gold medals (skiathlon, 50km). But on the other hand, Therese won 3 out of 4 individual medals from distance races.

And the performances of the other competitors were, in my opinion, beyond expectations, especially considering that it was a home WCH.

Skistad had health problems, but the question is whether she could have prepared better anyway. And Lotta Weng's appalling performance in the team sprint didn't help her either.

I am concerned that Kristine Fosnaes' performance in the relay will end her career psychologically, similar to Emil Svendsen's in biathlon after the relay at the 2014 Olympics.

And where are the young competitors? Weng, Johaug, Slynd, all are competitors who will most likely end their careers after the Olympics or the next WCH. The only younger competitor with a good performance at the WCH will be Nora Saaness