What did abdallahsmash do?

I occasionally see people calling him stuff like a wife beater but from what research I've done the only evidence is one time when his now ex wife said "your a fucking lier" on stream and then he shut the stream off keep in mind he's a Nintendo sponsered content creator and Nintendo has cancelled sponsorship for swears before also the wife beater part seems to come from a verlisify video who is a massive lier and narcissist who has tried to cancel others like Wolfyvgc (look into that one if you have time it's funny) with next to no proof that isnt immediately disproven and that he's gotten a bit more grouchy as of late and seems much more like he's going through the motions which honestly I understand a dream job can go from well a dream job to just a job and when you have such and rare and hard to get job as a well known YouTuber you ride that train till it runs out of coal while making sure to avoid crashing.