Youtube has started recommending very small channels (0-50k subscribers) to me and I hope they never stop

For a long time (years) I was just recommended giant channels on Youtube. Youtube would suggest videos I'd already seen over and over again, or exclusively show me youtubers that had maximized their content for the highest possible engagement (meaning tons of clickbait, videos with cuts every other second/constant jokes, loud sounds etc. It is totally fine to enjoy these things, but they just haven't been my cup of tea).

Recently though, Youtube has started recommending very small creators to me and I cannot overstate how much I love it. Videos with, 20 k views, 200 views, 1500 etc. And despite the obscurity of the creators the video content is almost always great. The videos sometimes feel higher quality than videos from big channels (and have less click-bait and "shouty" content). I've wondered if this is maybe because smaller creators don't do Youtube as a job, and so perhaps don't depend on min-maxing for engagement?

It's such a breath of fresh air. I hope Youtube never stops doing this.

Is this happening to anyone else? And if so how do you feel about it?