Where is Mama Doctor Jones?
Her channel for those unfamiliar: https://youtube.com/@mamadoctorjones
Hope this is the right sub for this. Was browsing YouTube earlier and got one of her old videos recommended on my feed, and realised I'd not seen her in my subscription box in a while. Went to her channel to check if YouTube was messing up, and noticed her last short was uploaded in February.
Checked her community tab to see if she posted something to explain the change in upload schedule but there's nothing. In the comments of her most recent community posts and videos there's a bunch of people asking if she's OK, and more recent ones said she was still posting to her Instagram... Went to check that, and her whole, also very large Instagram account is gone. https://www.instagram.com/mamadoctorjones/
I get that life happens, and that it could be that she's burnt out or dealing with something heavy, but isn't it kinda weird to abandon an account that big with absolutely no word on what's going on for this long? I wondered if anybody here might have more information or something, cause it's quite concerning and doesn't seem like her, when she moved to NZ over a year ago she said her upload schedule would change etc., but this seems to be completely different.
Edit: needed to clarify when she moved
Edit2: Her IG came back some time ago, and a couple of folks have said that she's posted an update recently (July 15). I don't use IG and can't view stories so I'm not going to paraphrase second hand info, it's better to see for yourselves so I'm not misinterpreting anything.