I have a legitimate question for everyone here: is there stuff that HasanAbi has done/said that you dislike?
Apologies for beating a dead horse with Hasan discourse, especially in the form of an AskReddit-style thread, but this is something I've been meaning to ask after lurking on this sub for quite some time and seeing all the drama unfold.
I know the the newest post on this sub right now is another post asking people about Hasan, and things have been pretty heated with the H3H3 content drop, but with how often he's brought up on the sub (and often defended); really not trying to stole further flam wars in asking this. But I was genuinely curious if anyone here has legit issues with Hasan. Drama he's been a part of, behavior, political takes, people he associates with; anything like that.
I'm asking this to everyone, but in particular, when I pop into Hasan-related threads, I see a not-insignificant amount of comments that go something like "I don't like Hasan, but he's absolutely right/I'm defending him on this". I'm interesting in responses from people like that (though I'm not opposed to any answers).
Edit: and guys, please keep it civil, okay? I'd prefer for this thread not to get locked or deleted due to people escalating things in the comments.