Do you ever get back in touch with people you dated for a short time (3-4 months?)
I’m a 25 year old who just got dumped after almost 5 years
I want to start hiking. What are some easy beginner areas/trails?
Matilda by Harry Styles
2nd date ideas?
First hook up - got blue balled?
Who gets the dog?
When was the last diamond rush? And will it continue?
AITA For not going to a friends wedding after being dumped?
[WTS] CCUed Hammerhead LTI + 2949 BIS Skin - 459$ / CCUed Caterpillar LTI + 2949 BIS Skin - 289$
Selling Cargo Is A Bust ( Currently)
My girlfriend (22F) and I (24M) have been dating for 5 years. Time to commit or let go?
After 5 years of dating my girlfriend (22F) is it time to let go if I (24M) don’t feel the urge to marry her?
Should I appreciate my relationship of 5 years or look for something better?
Player Introduction Thread (Guild Recruiters Search Here) - Week of July 11, 2022
I'm sorry but if you thought this was going to happen you are very naive
Pokémon cards already opened from target, will they accept a return?
added medicine to my betta with fin rot he does normally move when i signal my hand to the top but why is he like this
Player Introduction Thread (Guild Recruiters Search Here) - Week of May 02, 2022
My neocardinas seem to chill a lot.. is this normal? I thought they were supposed to be grazing a lot more.
Betta constantly glass surfing... I'm at my wit's end about what to do.
Not sure how to reduce the reflection.. he does this along the back wall too. Is this glass surfing bad?
Players who’ve left the game and came back, what was the meta when you decided to leave, and what was it when you came back?
I want my tank to look as good as everyone else here. Please help!
Accidentally snapped an anibius stem today.. Is the leaf done?