Me after paying $2000 for a standing ticket - @mattamys twitter
Did it!! First actually Successful Hackintosh.
Türkiye'ye de gelmiş sonunda
kendi tasarımım nasıl olmuş(yorumlara açığım)
Does it need a tittle?
FACEIT AC problem only with my account at internet cafe
Hey guys, I’m pretty new to the PC world, got any ideas on how to fix this?
[2020 Lamborghini Huracan Evo Spyder] spotted by my mom!
Ananı konuşuyoruz it oğlu it
Lan 3
Hostesinde götü güzelmis
Reddit front page 2025 vs 2014
Is this worth 800$, bargaining starts at 750.
Hak etti amk
so i bought cs2 prime and after that each and every casual and deathmatch i join is filled with chinese farming bots and when i join they kick me so i cant play the game !! so does anyone knoe any solution?
Şikayet edelim arkadaşlar plakası net birr şekilde okunuyor. Engelli ve bebek arabalı vatandaşlar için ciddi bir mesele bu ve bunun gibi benzer çok örnek var
dedi ve iftarını koka kola ile açtı
EPL S21 Stage 2 matchups
Would u buy premium ? After 2 hours they found match for me lets see what will be...
Maaşımın peşinden koşmak zorunda mıyım aw
250.000 TL lik uzlaşma teklifi
Will i get banned? (Please answer seriously)
What is something a Turk would never say?
Only way to travel with a pc
What do I do for a living?