AITA for being mad at the choices my bf is making?
For research purposes, how would a couple of super newbie “content” creators start selling panties?
Is it weird to want my girlfriend to cheat on me
My gf and I decided to start an nsfw page but are absolutely clueless 😭 (not ad)
WIBTA if I went on a Valentine’s Day hotel staycation with my boyfriend despite my dad forbidding it?
AITAH for using a vibrator during sex?
I broke up with my girlfriend over a twitter meme
AITAH If I am frustated about lack of oral sex 4 years into relationship (24M/24F)
WIBTAH If I asked my boyfriend to end his long snapchat streak with a female friend?
AITAH for telling my mother she is being intrusive with my little brother
Is everyone on Reddit doing ok now that the NSFW subs seem to be back?
My bf talked me into it
AITAH for hiding my relationship with my boyfriend from my parents?
I want to sell my virginity
Older womens turns me on.
Does anyone else go to bed dressed & wake up naked but not remember undressing in the night?
I'm too perverted for a girl
Got a scam text.
I am horrified by boobs pls pls don’t send me any
I (23M) am scared I got her pregnant
I worked at a gloryhole[F]
I wrote a note to my valedictorian that made her leave the school, with no consequences
AITA for exposing my pedophile classmate after he asked me for CP?
I met the love of my life, got married...and then I woke up.
Women, what do y'all think about forearm veins?