Favorite characters who are based on an animal you don't like
Do not ask what we eat during Lent, please.
How have I not notice this??!
Why you would not survive the world of pokemon
Favorite demons in the pop culture?
Favorite child murderer, not as in "they murder children" as in "child that commits murder"
Favorite character that would commit/ has committed war crimes
What could be a possible context where this line would actually be good?
So I have reported her for vote manipulation, this is the answer I got. Really?
Favorite hear me outs?
Decided to try asking here on Reddit as well. Any ideas? The only one we've gotten so far is Snowball, which isn't bad
Knowledge is power and some people really don’t like others having any power
Puppy Rule
Favorite character that can control plants
Genuinely curious rule
Funny Phrases you say for characters you play?
Favorite character who canonically has had sex
Difficulty of STAB22 in comparison to MATA29/35
Who would win? Galactus the World-Eater or Kirby?
Name a character that can beat these characters.
Which Sonic character needs therapy the most?
Favorite character you won't be convinced isn't autistic ?
Tier list
I choose hornyness