Texts from Mom 🙄
Who’s your top 3 characters?
A post of appreciation
Fatima arc feels pointless, out of place and like it is tied to nothing.
What is your favorite 90s Alternative song that starts with the letter Y?
Which rhcp song he is singing?
What is RHCP’s worst hit song/single?
Most popular character you can’t stand?
ZYN Power Rankings
What song is it?
Beale Papers transcription . Could the answer to location be staring us in the face?
Kate and Sawyer
If the Beatles are your favorite band, what other artist(s) come close to your liking of them?
“Others” 🇰🇷🐄
True Detective - 4x06 "Part 6" - Post-Episode Discussion
6 milly
Bombed an Open Mic
Oasis fans and guitar players of reddit. whats an easy Oasis song to learn that's not wonderwall
Before and After
My very first time out magnet fishing, and found this in the Monongahela River. I actually rode it back to my car (after washing the mud and brine off).
Johnny Depp trial mentions Sherlock Gnomes (2018, 86min)
Most underrated oasis song? Personally had to be The Hindu Times for me
Eggy appreciation post. McDonald’s promo Eggy, Classic Eggy, and Mutant Eggy (x3)