What If EU Was Much Stronger
It’s historically accurate for conservative laws to suck.
Wikibox for my invasion of Japan
The post-2WK German Emperors and Chancellors in my headcanon DU Germany which includes Austria. I don't know too much about German politics and it feels like it's a bit parallel to our timeline, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
What if Caesar conquered the Parthian Empire (37 BC) | Apotheosis TL 2.0
Why? Why only focusing on the western Front?
What would go in a medieval dungeon? Im thinking, torture chamber, and prison cells, anything else? maybe a boiler room?
How would a Republican Germany treat the monarchies of its Eastern European client states? (Poland, Lithuania, etc.)
My TNO headcanon (1980 when Japan surpassed USA in GDP per capita)
The worst Irishman ever
Kauvo Jylhä Kesäranta - The history they don't tell you about
Why can’t the UK force reclaim Northern Ireland?
Core Issues
Hot Takes Uptakes Part 5. Its such a shame how Texas has like 10 different interesting factions, yet they get unified by the TEU every single time.
2025 seems to be the year of China for strategy games
How did you feel seeing Jaheira from previous games again?
New title tier above emperor!
Wide as the ocean and deep as a puddle, or Quality with Quantity?
Any chance that the baldy still might clutch this? I ran out of manpower before reaching Vienna and now Romania is about to die. Carrying the Weltkrieg as Serbia doesn't really seem doable.
Everybody ask what if Germany won but no one ask if Austria won
May the best Man (which might just be a two horse race but..) WIN!
Been a while since we’ve have done something like this,soo…GIVE ME YOUR HOTTEST TAKES.I don’t wanna hear anything like “The Enclave is overrated!” Or stuff,I want takes as hot as when the bombs first dropped! (Image related)
What what ? I've never seen this. They just throw themselves into the wolf's den.
Why can't i core the serbs 😂
Irish Confederation during the Cromwellian Conquest: