What is the one of the best bits of chess advice you have ever been told?
Are you or Aren't you Religious?
Franks monologue discussion
How important is it to wash your water bottles everyday?
How to be sure about news/research?
Why Burt Is Severed
Painted the goat department in acrylics! Praise Kier! lowkey I’d like a job to nurture goats for corporate, it’s better than my job rn as a software developer ugh
Can someone explain the most recent episode to me like I'm 5?
Severance - 2x08 "Sweet Vitriol" - Pre-Episode Discussion
Surprised 2x07 didn’t have a viewer warning
Theory about love
Gemma pov
You will see the world again
Reghabi storyline
I think the new consensus about Lumon is wrong
Mark S. is like a prisoner of Lumon, but...
Is it possible to ban entire subreddits from your account?
It isn’t grief … it’s love
I'm not crazy, this is at least semi intentional right?
What if more places become severed zones?
Severance - 2x07 "Chikhai Bardo" - Post-Episode Discussion
My cool new wallpaper, though you guys might like it
AIO to think this individual I know personally should NOT be practicing medicine?
Using Too Many Big Words - Racial Undertones?