Ideas and info about taverns in Menzoberanzan wanted!
Yes or no: The Jets will go 20 years without making playoffs (2010-2030)?
Why are men like that in relationships?
Do people really find confidence attractive? Or is that just what confident people say?
Is it common for men to battle with their own insecurity with being naked in the locker room?
What techniques/play styles or player types have disappeared from the game over time?
What time period would you want to see a Roman TV show set in?
Imagine the NFL is expanding into 3 new cities. What cities and team names would you choose?
Roman Emperors ranked, part three - the Nerva-Antonine dynasty
Why do people treat drug addicts so badly, but let drinkers and gamblers off the hook?
Did old heads in the 1980’s hate on Marino, Montana, Fouts, Elway for playing under much favorable passing rules?
Unpopular opinion: Should we un-retire all numbers and just honor them instead?
What are the most heroic acts in history that aren't to do with war or violence?
I asked ChatGPT to predict the next 50 Super Bowl champions, here's what I got.
Cicero’s Tragic Death
A gem from Sir Gary Oldman himself. Laughter starts at 0:24 seconds in.
I ranked every NFL team based on if I could beat their name in a fight.
Week 5! Who is a morally grey character that is neither loved or hated?
What celebrities reached Michael Jackson level of fame?
I’m a 35-Year-Old Woman and a Family Friend in His 60s Just Asked Me Out – What Do You Think?
What's actually having friends with benefits like?
Which of these QB-Reciever duos in their primes would you take for your roster?
Who’s an NFL Coach you feel shouldn’t have been Fired?
Am i too nice to women?
how come jalen hurts is effective against the chiefs, but is ineffective against the buccaneers?