Singapore is more expensive than regional peers. So it's using a different playbook to attract visitors
It has begun
singapore never built disneyland so...
People really can’t stop with some joke until it is annoying
Goh Meng Seng: PPP will withdraw from Nee Soon GRC if no LGBTQ+ candidate is fielded - The Online Citizen
GE2025: Labour chief Ng Chee Meng seen at Fernvale, part of new Jalan Kayu SMC, ahead of election
Subaru finally realizes she (her model) is extremely pretty.
Major supermarkets to pilot unit pricing for common groceries at some outlets
What historical "fact" did you learn in school, that later turned out to be completely wrong or misrepresented?
Cross-platform transfers, am I right?
LTA to add 660 more electric buses to Singapore's public bus fleet by 2027
Here's BlaiseBug's take on the recent happenings going on lately
Uuh... help?
Amtrak HSR vs. European HSR: Read it and weep!
Everyone send her all the love you can
What’s a book that completely broke your brain—in a good way?
Singapore’s Opposition Claim ‘Gerrymandering’ Ahead of Election
So tru(l)e
Opposition vote share in constituencies (1988 - 2020)
GE2025: WP, PSP and SDP to reveal election plans later after studying boundary changes
10 Minutes of Useless MRT Information | Singapore
Untouched Constituencies in 2025 EBRC Report
Opposition parties stake claims over GE2025 constituencies soon after release of boundaries report