Advice for Young Butts
Growing pseudolithos in coarse quartz sand. Do plants need to be fertilized?
I’m not mature enough for this
Match Thread: Orlando Pride vs Washington Spirit | NWSL Challenge Cup
Drosanthemum Globosum: one month seedling progress
Match Thread: United States vs Japan | SheBelieves Cup
This is where my succulents live!
Echeveria Glow Up
Finally got my wishlist succulent! Echeveria Laui 🪷
New succulent parent, am I doing this right?
Lapidaries margaretae roots growing out of pot
Baby pot of baby lithops
AIO for wanting to leave my boyfriend after finding out from his ex that he was abusive towards her during college
[PubQ] Narrative Essay or Autobiographical Fiction?
[pubq] Lit Mag submissions: what is the difference between autofiction and creative nonfiction (narrative essay)?
Narrative Essay or Autobiographical Fiction?
Still mad about the price; easyplant
Universe hates me
Vera Higgins red marbling
Pour one out for avoidant women who date women
Succulent Leaf Propagation Before and After (6.5 months progress)
Leaf compartmentalization for propagation?
Is there a biology term for what’s happening in these succulent leaves?
My absolute BEAST of a sedum <3
Some Leaf Propagations