What's a supposed bad movie that you like well enough to defend it without hesitation?
Prey's combat sucks
Recently added breakable lights that dynamically affect how visible you are to my imsim
Intense Kriyas in Meditation – Need Advice
Scrolling Behaviour - here's why I want to ban those apps.
What lesser known games would you recommend for the atmosphere?
Are there always clues in environment for safe keycodes?
‘Good One’: When Growing Up Happens in a Single Conversation
How to deal with the repressed guilt?
Any small space growers here using a Fecida 65watt light? Curious about distance plus dimming.
Looking for a cheap but durable dumbphone that supports whatsapp.
What does a healthy weed habit look like for you?
Whats the hardest game you have ever played? I am beating them all.
Phone with apps and camera but no internet
My opinion on all of prey's weapons
Brainfog even when sober
What's your Prey pet peeve?
Grateful for psilocybin therapy.
First Canna PSIP Therapy Session Report
Weed makes me profoundly aware of where an emotion comes from. Have you ever “let go” of an emotion while high? Did the change persist while sober?
Does the alltrails app need google play store/ services to run?
Is it difficult to reinstall system apps after debloating?
New to L-theanine, Questions about Dose and Tolerance.
please just tell me to bite the bullet and get a dumbphone already :^)
MGS V First timer with some questions.