How reliable is Ulefone?
Pedestrians on bike route
Woman with pram asking help for lost phone - possible scam or was I heartless?
Not being able to buy paracetamol with an age restriction of 16 unless carrying physical ID, even at the age of 28
I’m not feeling very eco friendly driving an extra 11miles to go to the tip.
Is the game stuck like this for everyone else?
what is your favorite word to say?
Pay wall on Kent Online
Who knows
People complain about the high street dying, yet everything closes at 5PM
People who let their off-lead dog approach yours and can't (or won't) call it back when asked
Every car park in my town having a different 'pay to park' app you need to download before you can park.
Halfords wanting my e-mail address when I pop in for a bottle of screenwash
Everyone taking up two train seats, one for them and one for their bag. While others because there’s nowhere to sit.
Catching myself thinking that £1.58 is very cheap for petrol...