2 who today
Day 4 Post Op - Holy
Is a tummy tuck necessary for me? 20M who has recently lost 100 lbs.
Ball pain from compression?
When did you take off your binder and shower?
Phantom belly button 1 week post op
Aqara h1/h2 switches with sonoff zigbee dongle in HA
AITA for telling off my MIL for insisting my daughter doesn't have a "real" vagina?
The canals in Amsterdam today
Potential MC
AITA for not letting a mom with a baby in front of me in a long queue and telling an elderly lady to fuck off?
Are there any decent ORMs in Golang?
AITA for not punishing my 7 yo daughter for her play-relationships?
AITA for "making" my 17yo miss her therapy appointment to clean her closet
AITA for not buying takeout for my unemployed girlfriend?
AITA for making our children wear our cultural attire in our home?
AITA for putting blue hair dye in my shampoo without letting my family know?
AITA for calling my girlfriend disgusting and telling her she should be ashamed when she was crying?
AITA for getting my daughter a hotel room entirely for herself after her stepsisters made her sleep on the floor?
AITA for telling my parents that they ruined NY celebration after they kicked my husband out over a joke?
AITA for leaving my inlaws christmas dinner after I found out that they didn't make accommodations for me?
AITA for telling my family they can’t use Spanish on Christmas Day or my husband and I are not coming.
AITA for not making my children be quiet while my wife had a headache?
AITA for doing a mother-son dance with my stepmom at my wedding?
AITA for failing 27 out of 31 students for not taking a quiz?