What are your favorite and least favorite outfits? (not just of these three examples, you can pick any of them in the series)
What are your favorite and least favorite cards?
People who think you have to be good at your hobbies and if you’re not it’s ‘cringy’
I just noticed that Mojo Jojo has a Japanese accent
"what a hunk!" doodled 1am anime review brainrot
Do you believe love is subjective and is different for everyone?
Do you think Aang would get revenge on someone who killed a loved one of his like Appa or Katara? And if so, do you think he would regret it afterwards?
What are your favourite outfits? I like this one for Usagi
Opinions on Mike, Lu & Og?
People who believe that therapy is a free and magical fix to every problem.
Is the manga pretty much exactly the same as the anime, or is it still worth it to read it? I’ve only seen the anime.
What are your favourite casual outfits? I like Sakura’s baseball uniform, just for example
Opinions on Fish Hooks?
I have artblock ehhh please do your thing. I'll go to bed brb y'all
What’s your ideal happy ending for adult Syaoran and Sakura?
Usagi was so sweet here
Any thoughts on Madoushi as a character? She’s from the first movie.
Do YOU actually rewrite your first drafts or do you ‘just’ edit them?
Opinions on Sheep in the Big City?
How do you write a male/female romantic relationship that ISN’T heteronormative?
Anyone else miss Sakura’s hair bobbles? I don’t think she wore them in Clear Card at all.
Do you think Urd will ever find love?
Which wand is your favorite? Feel free to rank them too.
Sheep in the Big City