What band was your krabby patty?
If You Were A Professional Boxer, MMA Fighter or Wrestler, What Would Be Your Metal Walk Out Song?
Give me the heaviest, doomiest shit possible
Caffeine and taper
Mpx is some of the worst rosin I’ve ever had maybe thee worst
Once someone starts correcting your grammar and spelling in an online argument it's a sign you've won the fight
Why Wasn’t Desert Rock, Doom, and Sludge Marketed To Grunge Fans In 1996/97/98/99/00/01...
Are there any bands that you wanna like but can't seem to get into?
Slomosa kicked ass tonight.
Enough with the Slomosa
What are some of your favourite cartoons to watch while high ?
I wish verano on the rocks was here already
Anyone on a swim team as a smoker?
elderly women swooning over trump.
If you have experienced weed guilt, how did you overcome it?
What is an American grocery item you are willing to pay a premium and why are you willing to pay the premium?
What bands do you think are genuinely overrated asf?
Whose debut full length album do you like better?
What's the name of the weed you're smoking?
[question] do most of y’all actually learn whole songs?
Bands you would love but are ruined by one member?
“You have too many guitars…”
Post the track that got you into Doom Metal
What are some Simple Acoustic Songs to Play with my Dad?
Whats the greatest concert you’ve ever seen 👀 and why?