Happy World Kidney Day!
What is ruining your mental health?
Today I messed up by eating tuna fish inside of a vegans home
Don’t know how to deal
What haircut do you guys get these days?
I accidentally killed my grandma and spent my life in prison. AMA.
If you could go back in time, would you still choose to drink/smoke?
How do you think you will die?
Blursed kit kat
If life had a ‘delete’ button, what’s the one thing you’d erase without hesitation?
What is something your father said to you that you will never forget?
What’s that one song…
Harassed at Arambol Beach.
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I just came back from Malaysia
If money wasn’t a concern, what’d you do with your life?
What is something you have that means so much to you?
Songs that make you smile
time to learn them tricks
7 kids
Are women with this body type attractive
What do you call it in your language? It's called "Peda" in our language.
What is this called in your language?
What is your comfort song?
What was the worst thing a kid ever did at your school?