Dysautonomia episode + heart burn, thought I was having a heart attack
Need help finding this yarn or something similar! Or at least identifying what this kind of yarn is called
Cat will only lick wet food, how do I get him to actually eat it?
Cat is constipated for over 24 hours
How to help cat get gas out?
Best way to secure pieces together that will be used around children?
Weird stitches before m1L, and after m1R
Getting back into dolls & some questions about customizing
Scared that Covid might actually take me out
Looking for a pattern! I was gonna freehand it but I don’t know how to make the start in the middle
Heart rate was dropping during poor man’s tilt table test - I’m losing my mind
Anyone else in denial?
Looking for rug, duvet, & nightstand recommendations (or any other recs)
First attempt at a granny square, she ain’t pretty but she’s mine 🤣
What kind of craft wire holds up best in a crochet bag?
Best Hair Color/s for Skin and Eyes?
24m how can I improve?
Would a granny square blanket be tacky as a wedding gift? If it is I’m open to suggestions
I don’t know how I’m supposed to make it to my great grandfathers funeral