Confusion about The Apostle's Creed
Dance Songs (Contemporary Small Group)
Funny jazz solo songs
Meetup app - is it any good?
Studio/Parent Communication
Appropriate Choices
Dance classes in Melbourne
Considering deleting all social media at the end of university - good or bad idea?
What's the best advice you ever got from a composition teacher?
Why is all composition going so avant-garde? Is there not any real music anymore?
What song are you listening to right now?
What is your most irrational fear?
What is the weirdest thing you’re attracted to?
What is your "never-again" brand, store, restaurant, or company?
What’s your comfort show you’ve rewatched a million times?
Where were you 25 years ago on New Year's Eve 1999?
What’s an NSFW tip you know?
women of reddit, what is one thing you think ALL women need to have/own before the age of 30?
People who didn't want to have kids but later did, what changed your mind?
Why are you on reddit on Christmas day?
What's a Christmas tradition that's unique to your family?
I feel socially behind and worry it'll be a problem for the rest of my life. Any advice on how to overcome this fear and/or find a solution to feeling 'behind'?
I feel socially 'behind' and worry it'll be an ongoing problem for the rest of my life