how do i just disappear?
Do I have a drinking problem?
I need to talk about the season 5 episode 14 phone call scene.
$94 dollar charge???
Why doesn't the USA just destroy/buy the creditors of its $30T debt?
Underdog officially banned in NY
Anyone here watch Better Call Saul BEFORE Breaking Bad?
Im don wachtell. AMA
My silly little theory…
What ever happened to 3.14$ today? Joke aside,why the dip?
What do you think Walt's time in Prison would have looked like?
3 Funniest moments in Breaking Bad
My Girlfriend Hasn’t responded in 2 weeks
Pi Day: Where Do You See the Pi Network in 5 Years?
Breaking: Former #Giants CB Adoree' Jackson is signing with the #Eagles
2020 as an adult starter pack.
Had the car for ~24 hours before getting rear ended on the highway…
Petahhhhh what’s going on here?
who’s the most dirtiest player in league history?
So basically…
Do you agree?
Why Didn't Skyler Just Hop Into The Challenger And Get Her Daughter?
I'm Skylar Brown, Yo!
Coke Zero - Diet Coke conspiracy???
Remember this? This had no business being as good as it was