How the heck are y’all eating and drinking (even close to) enough in the day?!
PDMP Frustrations
How did you resign?
Does anyone else think this portrait is weird?
Aetna no longer paying 99214?
Mikayla’s baby bump
I cheated on my partner. I don't know who I am anymore.
Prior Auths
I think I was misdiagnosed with warts. Is this DE??
Payor schedule blocks?
Idaho canceling Blue Cross Medicaid
Idaho resolution honoring ‘traditional’ two-parent families approved by Senate
Comment on Karen’s never before seen/scene and her upping her medication
Nursing instructors!!
Do you root for Shannon because you like her or just because she’s good TV?
Sutton compares her “most expensive”caviar choice to “Poorit’s” cheap choice?
Doctor said I wash my hands too much
Politics at work?
Can anyone confirm?
How would you describe your brain?
ADHD makes me appear like an addict. (Not related to meds)
Any other medical providers out there? (I’m a PA)