Islands in Strabo
Scientifically Researched Mud Volcanoes in the Gulf of Cadiz, outside the Pillars of Heracles
After going through this sub, I’m very confused by how passionate the anti-Richat crowd is.
City found underwater on the coast of Cadiz.
What's going on with Nottingham Forest?
Phaistos disc
Atlantis Straight Canal Going for miles. According to Platos T & C
Tesla Boycott: When Elon Musk’s Far‑Right Politics Backfire
Sleeplessness after long surf session. Does anyone else have this problem?
How come Timaeus isn't mentioned in the Republic?
Converting Stadia to Meters and Miles.
New "Brill's Companion" on philosopher Crantor
Factual inaccuracies about the Atlantis story
Critias fake
How did the proto-greeks Defeat the Atlantians if they were so dominant?
Atlantis confirmed to be in Mauritania by ancient greek texts + Greek voyager said that the Mauritanian coast was unnavigable because of the mudshoals