Would Apollo in his prime beat Drago?
Ive been thinking that Dusty build a figure from the Monday Night Wars set would be perfect to do a custom of his ECW attire
Hey Guy !!! , I Appreciated The Feedback Last time … Now I Need Your Help Once More … Which One Looks Better With The Black Coat … [ White T or Black T ]
If there was a reboot of Rocky who would you cast as Rocky?
This is my favorite movie to watch while tripping i can only imagine how epic it'd be to experience it like this
What Wrestler’s moveset is your favourite and why?
Did a head swap on my Undertaker ultimate i got earlier bc the head sculpts it came with didnt look anything like undertaker
I hated the idea initially. But at this point, I hope Jey Uso beats Gunther just to send the toxic ass IWC into a meltdown
If i could somehow make a vest and a cowboy hat for this HBK figure it'd be flawless
Everytime i look at this subreddit it makes me wanna trip lol
I wonder if abusing LSD might effect your chances of getting alzheimers or dementia when you're older
Big Kev with the big gold
For anybody looking for song recommendations while you're tripping this whole album feels like a fucking movie
If Gunther loses at Wrestlemania i feel like a rivalry with LA Knight would elevate them both alot
acid and weed?
I know there's plenty of Rock figures out there but this is one i definitely wanna see again
Humble opinion: acid is a little tad bit addictive.
Its crazy with the kind of marketability Big Show has with casual fans that this is the only figure he's got while in AEW
My Ultimate Edition Wishlist
Need Mark Henry to sign a legends deal with WWE so we can get a Hall of Pain ultimate edition
What A Rush!
I don't really see the purpose for this when we got the same exact one still on shelves but with different belts
Who wins this promo?
Ik this has been debated before but i feel like if Dexter tried going after Hannibal he'd make what Trinity did to him look like a petty crime
I got an 06 Chevy Impala and the starter is out on it. Any idea how i should go about tapping the starter? I think its under the car