Brown marks on grapto hybrids
Grocery store buy
I want to be on the surface of the Sun!
One of my favorites
Black dots appeared on the leaf edges.
Recent purchases Identification
Indoor garden fly
Gifted fruit
Please help identify this plant!
Bottom leaves falling off my succulents
How do you tell what kind of species this is?
Is that powdery mildew?
Spike growing into orchid? What is this?
Some Leaf Propagations
My little clumps
Surpise baby
Was told I should post this orchid I found here
Monanthes Polyphylla Care Tip Request
Echeveria Pink Summer
Echeveria seashell?
How to help? And what happened?
Is he a friend of a foe?
is this laui?
Echeveria 'Blue Feather'
Didn't notice this guy until I checked the picture a couple days later.